

卡尔.格什曼关注中国狱中诗人王藏一家 National Endowment for Democracy President Carl Gershman on Chinese Prison Poet Wang Zang’s Family

(各位,我得到授权,在此公开发表以下通信。如果您需要深入了解来龙去脉,请看  Gentlemen,I am authorized to publish the following correspondence.If you need to understand the context in depth, please see here:https://www.demdigest.org/gigantic-empire-vs-tiny-poet-chinas-solzhenitsyn/ and https://www.demdigest.org/chinas-ruling-ccp-faces-long-term-struggle-and-increasingly-untenable-operating-environment/ 在电邮附件,我也非常详尽地描述了这桩罪行,已译成德文和英文,请你阅读 In the email attachment, I have also described in great detail the crime, which has been translated into German and English, please read! )

Dear Liao Yiwu,

I am deeply moved – and also deeply concerned – by your message. I shall spread your message as widely as I can to stimulate more prominent writes in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere to raise their voices in support of the Wang Zang and his wife and their beautiful children.


你的来信让我深受感动–同时也非常担忧— 我将尽一切可能,广泛传播你的呼吁,促使美国、加拿大、、新西兰等地更多的著名作家发声支持你,支持王藏和他们可爱的孩子们。

Please let them know that they have my complete solidarity, and that I shall do everything to communicate their suffering and persecution to others. The members of the Wang Zang family need to know that they are not alone. The rulers in China may be able to deny people their rights, but they cannot crush their spirit or destroy their desire to be free. The Wang Zangs are an inspiration to me and to freedom-loving people everywhere.


I’ve already shared the information with many people. I’ll report back.



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